Esthetics by Liliya Spa and Acne Clinic's Blog

Pumpkin: A Healthy Harvest

November 4th, 2013 • Posted by Esthetics by Liliya Spa and Acne Clinic • Permalink

Pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin bread, pumpkin beer -- it is the time of year when several foods (and drinks) turn orange in favor of this seasonal, superfood squash. What is a superfood? It is a food that has a significantly higher nutritional value than most others. This gifted gourd provides several powerful health benefits. Here are some reasons why pumpkin is considered a superfood:

  • The bright orange color in pumpkin is due to the carotenoids it contains. Carotenoid consumption aids in lowering cholesterol, improving vision, helping the immune system, preventing cancer and premature aging.
  • Pumpkins are full of fiber. Fiber helps regulate blood sugar, decreases cholesterol, promotes healthy digestion, aids in weight loss and protects against heart disease.
  • There are high portions of potassium in the pumpkin. Potassium is needed for muscle contraction, maintaining fluid balance, and normal blood pressure.
  • High sources of vitamin C and vitamin E are found in pumpkin. These vitamins lower blood pressure, while supporting healthy vision and fostering a strong immune system.
  • Pumpkin is a low glycemic index food, which aids in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Not only is the pumpkin pulp good for you, but the seeds inside the pumpkin also nest numerous nutritional values. Here are a few of the many benefits of pumpkin seeds:

  1. Zinc -- plays an important role in the immune system.
  2. L-tryptophan -- converts to serotonin, which improves mood and helps against depression.
  3. Phytosterol -- helps to lower cholesterol, boost immune response and reduce the risk of certain cancers.
  4. Magnesium -- is important for energy, healthy bones and strong nervous and cardiovascular systems.

As the season for pumpkin approaches, it may be worth stocking up on this orange beauty. This is one food that is power-packed with nutrients. It is worth eating all year long.

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Your Skin Tells a Story

October 21st, 2013 • Posted by Posted by Esthetics by Liliya Spa and Acne clinic • Permalink

Centuries ago, Eastern cultures mapped and documented the intricate and deep relationship between the skin and the body's organs and systems, noting that the skin displays clues as to what types of stresses or malfunctions may exist and persist internally.

Digestive System

The organs involved include the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, intestines, gall bladder, and liver. The digestive system performs the function of nutritional uptake and absorption, and waste elimination. When this process slows, a backup occurs, which can stress all of the digestive organs.

Skin Manifestations

Externally, we may notice bloating in the stomach or abdominal region. But less obvious are signs on the chin that may show up as impactions, inflamed lesions, and abnormal capillary activity. Eczema or related dermatitis conditions may be worsened along the high forehead and hairline. If the intestinal stress is longer term, wrinkles or lines may appear in both regions. Liver stress can produce puffiness, redness, and blackheads in the glabellar region between the eyebrows.

Reproductive System

Another system of consistent focus is the hormonal, or reproductive, system. Organs involved in this complex tapestry include the uterus, ovaries, adrenals, and testicles, in addition to the pituitary and hypothalamus glands. Hormones are chemical messengers that have a potent effect on the body and are released into the bloodstream at fluctuating levels.

Skin Manifestations

High testosterone levels can cause or exacerbate acne lesions. This is especially true above, along, and under the jawline. Estrogen dominance often causes pigmentation in the upper lip, cheeks, and sometimes the lower forehead. Declining estrogen causes underactivity of the sebaceous glands, leading to dryness.

Immune System

This system includes the tonsils, spleen, and lymph nodes, and governs the skin's response to invading foreign material, or perceived threats. It may respond with swelling, reddening, itching, burning, or rash, and the eyes and nose may also be watery and runny. Inflammation of the sinus passages, sore throat, sneezing, and coughing are the most common symptoms.

Skin Manifestations

Our poor eyes and upper cheeks take the brunt of this assault. Dilated capillaries, tenderness, and pressure, as well as swelling and stinging upon physical contact may also be present.

Respiratory System

The major organs involved here are the lungs and bronchial tubes. These passageways become constricted with adrenal distress and allergies, or exposure to bacteria, viruses, or smoke.

Skin Manifestations

The greater cheek area can present with breakouts, excessive capillary activity, flushing, and heat. The undereye area may exhibit half circles of gray, blue, or purplish tones.

Excretory System

The elimination system is also very important. In this system, the kidneys, bladder, colon, veins, and skin do most of the work. This fine-tuned orchestra removes bacteria, waste product, and toxic materials in an effort to protect the health and lives of our cells.

Skin Manifestations:

Kidney stress may lead to hot, red, or pigmented upper ears. Bladder stress can deepen lines across the center of the forehead. And colon stress can contribute to cracked, pigmented, or dehydrated lips. The upper chin area can see an increase in micro-comedones and irritation.

Nervous System

No system will suffer more from disharmonies than our central nervous system. The vast array of nerve fibers, residing mostly along our spinal column, sends and receives signals to and from the brain. Many organs and glands are affected by stress, but the adrenals are often the first to respond.

Skin Manifestations

On the face, this may manifest as sweatiness and increased oil production over the brows and along the top bridge of the nose, with blotchy red patterns and heat on the lower neck and center of the decollete regions. Eczema is heightened around the base of the neck and may leave a long-term mask of hyperpigmentation.

Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular system is tricky because it deals with not just the heart's function, which is chiefly to pump blood, but also because of its connection to the circulatory system, which delivers nutrients, water, hormones, white blood cells, and oxygen to every cell in the body.

Skin Manifestations

When blood pressure levels fluctuate, blood-capillary dilation on the sides of the nose and nostrils can often be observed. Enlarged pores and hard comedones are also seen on the nostrils and tip of the nose when cardiac edemas and other cardiac diseases take hold.

Partnering for HealthSkin health can provide insight into whole-body health. Work closely with your esthetician to determine how best to treat the manifestations, and discuss prevention techniques as well. Remember, your skin care professional is not qualified to diagnose conditions, but your skin may be providing clues to what's going on internally. And you may discover that your esthetician is an essential part of your care team.

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Win the Fight Against Acne

October 16th, 2013 • Posted by Esthetics by Liliya Spa and Acne Clinic • Permalink

It's the night before the biggest event of your life and a pimple pops up on your face in a spot that could only be missed in a pitch-black room. Acne is frustrating at any time, but there are moments when you simply must get rid of the offending zit fast.


Visit Esthetics by Liliya. Not only I  have the tools to safely remove  debris from clogged pores, but I also will use right products  and technology: like LED lights, Radiancy treatment to create smooth and helathy beautifull skin.  Specific line of products, suggestions of your lifestyle and nutrition will not only clear the spot, but will give you a healthy beautiful skin forever.Trying to get rid of the breakouts on your own can leave you with a red mark, which is called scar in the Esthetic industry, which will turn red and brown eventually, becouse of how skin respons to the inflammation.

Spot Treatments

The system of how to using products so your skin will not develop adaptation to them is what improtant in using any product. To spot treat you can use benzoil peroxide and mandelic acid serum, that don't contain pore cloggin irritation ingerients. I already did led work for you and have found the products that will not contain any pore clogging irritation ingredients. having such products for an emergency situation will be beneficial. Wash your face and apply the treatment directly to the acne area am and pm overnight.

Exfoliation and Steam

Acne may be a result of clogged pores. Exfoliation sloughs off dead cells and steam opens the pores. The combination of exfoliation and steam , enzyme mask followed by application of spot treatments can zap acne out of existence fast.

Leaving acne untreated can result in scarring and a drop in self-confidence. Come and visit Esthetics by Liliya for  can help  to diagnose  and treat the problem. Call and schedule your free skin consultation today.

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