Esthetics by Liliya Spa and Acne Clinic's Blog

What is Harmonized Water?

September 30th, 2013 • Posted by Esthetics by Liliya written By dr. Ben Johnson • Permalink

What is Harmonized Water? Every once in a while something happens that forever changes the direction of our culture (e.g. automobile, phones, the internet, penicillin, etc). Harmonized Water has not yet proven itself to be worthy of being mentioned in that group, but the results suggest it has that potential. There is growing recognition in the scientific community that the body is better described as a hologram than “matter”. These revelations have empowered energy medicine advocates and give credence to existing energetic strategies like acupuncture, homeopathy and other researched medicinal practices. Harmonized Water works by communicating medicinal vibrational messages to the body. Quantum physicists do not have a consensus on exactly how we (and the planet) exist but there are many aspects of cellular function that can be unanimously conceded. For example, all cells vibrate. Within our cells, each component (electrons, protons, quarcks, muons, etc) vibrates. Within each of our cells there are thousands (if not millions) of tiny cellular components that radiate energy and light as a team. From a broader point of view, every organ is also a compilation and has a unique vibration when it is healthy and differing vibrations when it is sick (unbalanced). It is the compilation of “musical notes” of every cell’s vibration that make cells, organs and humans (and everything else) look and feel solid. When disease states set in, vibrational rates change as does the physical appearance of the tissue involved. For example, red blood cells maintain different frequencies when they are in a lower pH and/or when there is less oxygen present. Every thought is also a measurable vibrational frequency. Every component of food, the air we breathe, even the light that shines down on us is a vibrational frequency that impacts our cells positively or negatively. Disease develops in the human body from the ingestion and inhalation of toxins, from negative thoughts or a combination of any and all of them. Everything is energy and so all of these influences change healthy vibrations into unhealthy or imbalanced ones. The body often works to restore the tissue to its normal vibratory rate but that obviously does not always occur. Drugs offer vibrational energy solutions (all substances have a unique vibrational fingerprint) but sometimes they contain energies that are toxic (resulting in energetic imbalances) and cause side effects. The deeper one dives into human physiology, the more in awe one becomes…it is an amazing, interconnected maze of energetic checks and balances. Medicine, in many instances, has arrogantly suggested that altered physiology is the effect of a system gone haywire as opposed to system that is operating to the best of its ability in light of the changes forced upon it by outside influences and negative thinking. The future of medicine, in my opinion, will be using more targeted treatments that do not interfere with normal cellular functions. Harmonized Water does exactly that. Our cellular vibrations come from our Source which is perfect and uninfluenced. They are pulses of energy that are “refreshed” in nanoseconds on an individual basis. However, our life choices including outside influences like alcohol, sugar, negative thinking, etc. leave “toxic energy clouds” that interfere with the healthy vibrations leaving energetic and physiologic imbalances. I like to think of it as a filter. The more toxins that are in our filter, the more imbalanced the affected tissue energy becomes. One of the goals of Harmonized Water is to clear/balance the damaging aspects of the filter. Harmonized Water contains several revolutionary breakthroughs to achieve its success. It helps to balance tissue disharmonies by delivering medicinal radio frequencies to the cells in the form of water. The frequencies we use have been determined by a proprietary math formula (huge breakthrough!) that allows us to reverse engineer most substances to determine what their actual vibrational rate is. We then imprint these frequencies on water molecules through yet another remarkable leap in technology. What we are doing has never before been accomplished. We can impact the cell with a language that is better recognized and more specific than the frequencies released by many drugs. Drinking Harmonized Water results in a modification to the “toxic filter” which allows healthy cellular activity to return. It provides harmony to a disorganized section of anatomy but does not change cells operating in harmony already. It can maximize healthy activity and reduce disharmonic vibrations in a variety of physiologic abnormalities in the body. It is for this reason that there are rarely, if any, side effects. We have shown we can help most cases of eczema, most cases of psoriasis, altitude sickness, MS, arthritis, obesity. We can grow hair, kill viruses, fungi and bacteria as well as help poor sleep patterns and hormone irregularities. We can enhance athletic performance and improve focus and energy. It is likely that we can have an impact on most health conditions including chronic and deadly diseases. However, to be clear, we are not claiming that Harmonized Water is a medicine. After all, it is just water. We are not claiming that Harmonized Water cures diseases, because that is a drug claim and HW is not a drug. We are saying that Harmonized Water balances cellular disharmonies and, as a result, the body may heal itself. There are several things that create the realization that we are working with something special: 1.It usually takes just a capful (20ml) of water twice a day to create the positive effects 2.We have over 30 formulas (and we are just scratching the surface) that address a wide variety of ailments and our initial results suggest a 75% success rate (compared to drug companies average of 30%) 3.You cannot overdose or make yourself sick from our formulas and they essentially have no side effects Harmonized Water is not just about neutralizing imbalanced frequencies. We can also add frequencies that result in improvements to mood, energy, sleep, etc. We do this by mimicking (reverse engineering the vibrational rate) important hormones and proteins within the body. The possibilities are endless and we look forward to verifying our results in double-blind, placebo controlled studies in the near future.

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